Flower Arrangement - Elizabeth Gordon and Emily Broomhead

Welcome to the Three Counties and South Wales Area of NAFAS

We are affiliated to The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS) and cover Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and all of South Wales.

The area was formed in 1959 and currently consists of 50 Flower Clubs with almost 1800 members. It is also a registered charity and uses all surpluses to further its aims of education, promotion and improving the standards of flower arranging in the Area. If you love flowers and flower arranging, why not join your local flower arrangement club? You will be assured of a warm welcome!

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Latest News

Latest Newsletters from Three Counties and South Wales Area of NAFAS

Summer  - June 2024


Many congratulations to Trish Ducker on organising a wonderful President's Day in Llandeilo on Sept 7th.

Members and friends enjoyed a super talk on Belgium in the morning by Simone Squire.  In the afternoon, Coral Gardiner filled the stage with an array of autumnal flowers and her usual humour and tales!

Fancy Joining Us?

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