JDSE Information
Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers & Education Info
Chairman - Daphne Furneaux
Email: daphnefurneaux@gmail.com Tel: 01792 390754
Secretary - Chris Lynch
Email: chris.lynch54@btinternet.com Tel: 01531 670037
Judges' Rep - Celia Davies
celia.a.davies@talk21.com Tel: 01454 776753
Demonstrators' Rep - Linda Garratt
lindagarratt.brooksplace@gmail.com Tel: 07801 976372
Speakers' Rep - Sue Blandford
sueblandford@btinternet.com Tel:01495 785508
Education Rep - Janet Griffiths
CLICK the image above to view an electronic version of our Area List.
Printed copies of the List of Accredited Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers & Qualified Teachers are available from Chris Lynch, JDSE Secretary
Email: chrislynch54@btinternet.com
Tel: 01531 670037
** please note the following telephone numbers have changed to
Kathryn Delve - 01934 835290
Blue Forms
'Blue Forms' for booking Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers or Teachers are available from Audrey Ridley
email: richardridley@btinternet.com
tel: 01452 780721