JDSE Information
Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers & Education Info
Thank you to all who attended the Spring workshops with Beryl Cotton and Alison Penno.
Two informative and inspirational days.
Please look out for info on our Autumn workshop with Yolanda Campbell - details coming soon
Chairman - Daphne Furneaux
Email: daphnefurneaux@gmail.com Tel: 01792 390754
Secretary - Chris Lynch
Email: chris.lynch54@btinternet.com Tel: 01531 670037
Judges' Rep - Celia Davies
celia.a.davies@talk21.com Tel: 01454 776753
Demonstrators' Rep - Linda Garratt
lindagarratt.brooksplace@gmail.com Tel: 07801 976372
Speakers' Rep - Sue Blandford
sueblandford@btinternet.com Tel:01495 785508
Education Rep - Janet Griffiths
CLICK the image above to view an electronic version of our Area List.
Printed copies of the List of Accredited Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers & Qualified Teachers are available from Chris Lynch, JDSE Secretary
Email: chrislynch54@btinternet.com
Tel: 01531 670037
** please note the following telephone numbers have changed to
Kathryn Delve - 01934 835290
Blue Forms
'Blue Forms' for booking Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers or Teachers are available from Audrey Ridley
email: richardridley@btinternet.com
tel: 01452 780721